So, starting this Saturday, our daughter leaves on a two-week vacation. The first week she'll be staying with family and the second week will be at a church music camp. I'm not sure who looks forward to this more, me or her. She gets to experience what she refers to as 'freedom' and, well, so do mom & dad. I think all families should be this fortunate!
Her version of freedom includes sleeping till noon and then swimming the rest of the day; getting a pedicure; going shopping with grandma for those things that mom won't buy because they aren't 'needs'; eating whatever she wants whenever she wants and this includes ice cream for dinner (yeah, grandma, she told on you!) Fortunately, this is only the first week. The 2nd week is a bit more structured. It only takes me half of the remaining summer to re-program her.
Don't get me wrong. We love our daughter more than anything in the world! She's reallly a fantastic kid and we're very proud of her. Generally, she's a joy to have around. It's just that this two weeks is a very important time for her parents. We get to take a little time to 'reconnect' as a couple. We've made this a priority since our daughter was very young and like I've commented before in this post, she understands that this is important.
Our daughter has always been quite 'portable'. We've taken her with us just about everywhere except during the aforementioned vacation times. This year, vacation for mom & dad is going to include some of the following: Music and Wine on the Lawn at Waltz Vineyards; A Ghost Tour of Lancaster;
dining out at Greenfield Restaurant and/or The Orchard.
I think I need to make a list.